
Looking for career opportunities in the stem cell and regenerative medicine sector?

Below are the current openings for positions within Canada and abroad.

Organization NamePosition Title Application DeadlinePosition Description and Application Details
The Ottawa Hospital Research InstituteSenior Communications SpecialistOpenApply here
University of California San FranciscoFaculty Position (Assistant, Associate or Full Professor)OpenApply here

Post a Job
If you wish to have a job posted on the Stem Cell Network’s website and promoted through our social media platforms please refer to the table below for more information. Please note, SCN will only post jobs that are within the stem cell and regenerative medicine sector.

Type of OrganizationPrice, excluding HST*
*Note that HST will be added upon invoicing

Lab within a research institution, hospital or university - trainee positionsFreeOne career opportunity will be posted on SCN website for 30 days.

SCN will create one post on LinkedIn to promote the opportunity.

Posting will be promoted twice via the SCN Twitter account at times to be determined by SCN.
Lab within a research institution, hospital or university - faculty positions$150.00
Small company
(1-24 employees)
Large company
(25+ employees)
Not-for-Profit or Government$300.00
Add-on services:$100.00Posting on SCN website will be extended for an additional 30 days.

Posting will be promoted once more via the SCN Twitter account at times to be determined by SCN.
Price upon requestTranslation
Postings will be added to SCN’s website in the language(s) in which they are provided. Translation of the posting will incur additional charges if requested.

Please direct any enquiries regarding posting of career opportunities on the SCN website to Rebecca Cadwalader at rcadwalader@stemcellnetwork.ca