Save the Date: 2025 Till & McCulloch Meetings in Ottawa!
November 3-5, 2025, Westin Ottawa
The Till & McCulloch Meetings (TMM), hosted by the Stem Cell Network, is Canada’s premier stem cell and regenerative medicine research event, bringing together stem cell and regenerative medicine scientists, clinicians, bioengineers, and ethicists, as well as representatives from industry, government, health, and non-profit sectors from Canada and abroad. The event showcases Canada’s place in the global stem cell ecosystem and provides a tremendous opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange.
New to TMM?
Whether you’re a first-time attendee or an experienced TMMer – make the most of your TMM experience!
In this how-to guide, Tyler Wenzel, a member of SCN’s Trainee Communications Committee, shares tips on how to take advantage of the many opportunities offered at TMM Reflections from trainees at their first in-person Till & McCulloch Meetings
In case you missed it: Check out our review of all the happenings at TMM2023. Learn about the plenary sessions, TMM awardees and more! TMM2023 Recap
Become a TMM sponsor!
Don’t miss this opportunity to reach every major stem cell and regenerative medicine research lab in Canada. Interact with delegates who will gather to discuss the latest research techniques and methodologies, ethical and social issues, developments in the regenerative medicine industry, and new commercialization opportunities!
To learn more about TMM2025 sponsorship opportunities, contact Rebecca Cadwalader at