
Stem Cell Network Announces Awardees of the 2023 Summer Studentships

May 30, 2023 (Ottawa) – The SCN Summer Studentship program is starting! Congratulations to the 20 senior undergraduate students from across Canada who will each spend the summer months, between May and August, undertaking research at a Canadian academic institution under the supervision of a top regenerative medicine researcher. In total, SCN is investing $100,000 to supplement the cost of these summer studentships, providing a valuable hands-on experience for the awardees. At the end of August,  students will present their project progress at a virtual SCN summer studentship symposium and the two top undergraduates will be supported by SCN to attend and present a poster of their work at the 2023 Till and McCulloch Meetings (TMM2023), happening October 23-25 in Toronto.

The 2023 awardees and hosting institutions are:

Name Host Institution
Dhana Abdo University of Toronto
Deborah Achuonye University of Saskatchewan
Haider Bilal Simon Fraser University
Kendra Bronsema University of Guelph
Rachiel Chirara McGill University
Keerthana Chockalingam University of Calgary
Ragav Chona Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Alessio Cusmano Concordia University
Juan Pablo Escorcia Dominguez The Hospital for Sick Children & University of Toronto
Alice Fours York University
Camila Fuchs Memorial University of Newfoundland
Matthew Ho McMaster University
Vandana Nathan McGill University
Yvonne Ping University of Toronto
Pratyaksh Singhal University of Manitoba
Shelby Squires University of Prince Edward Island
Noah Tourigny The Hospital for Sick Children
Marie Walker University of Calgary
Weiyi Wan McGill University
Yimin Wang University of British Columbia