
20 Questions with Josh Dierolf

Josh Dierolf

PhD candidate, Western University, The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology; Dr. Amy Wong’s Lab, SickKids; Chair of the SCN Trainee Communications Committee



20 questions with Josh Dierolf

1. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
I was born in Wingham, Ontario and grew up in Lucknow, Ontario, a small town north of Goderich. My family later moved to London, Ontario where I attended most of middle school, high school and university.

2. Where did you go to school?
All of my post-secondary education has been at Western University. I did my B.Sc. in biology and then went on to do my Masters in physiology and pharmacology, specializing in developmental biology. I then transitioned into a PhD program in physiology and pharmacology, with a specialization in developmental biology.

3. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a naval architect. I really like boats and I love drawing.

Read the full interview here.

Published April 2021.