
20 Questions for Marissa Lithopoulos

Marissa Lithopoulos, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children




20 Questions for Marissa Lithopoulos

1. Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Ottawa. I absolutely love the city and have spent many years living in Kanata with my family. Kanata has great access to the Greenbelt nature trails.

2. Where did you go to school?
I completed my undergrad in biomedical sciences at the University of Ottawa with a minor in philosophy.

For my graduate studies I stayed within the University of Ottawa but transferred to the Faculty of Medicine, where I completed my PhD in cellular and molecular medicine under the supervision of Dr. Bernard Thébaud. I remained at the University of Ottawa for my entire degree. I had a really cool opportunity to take a regenerative medicine course at the University of Toronto during my graduate studies. I also had an amazing opportunity to conduct research in San Antonio, Texas for three months during my PhD. Even though I stayed at one university, I had great exposure to a diverse group of researchers within the stem cell field and numerous opportunities to collaborate with other universities.

Read the full interview here.

Published August 2021.