
20 Questions with Sepideh Abbasi

James Till, OC, OOnt, FRS, FRSC

20 questions with James Till


1. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
I was born in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. The town is a bit unusual because it is located right on the border between Alberta and Saskatchewan. was born in So, I Saskatchewan because the hospital was in Saskatchewan, but I was raised in Alberta because the family farm was in Alberta. The eastern e dge of the farm was actually on the border, so to go to school I would cross the border onto the northsouth highway and back across the border to go to the public school which was in Alberta, but used the Saskatchewan curriculum.

2. Tell us a little bit about your education.
I went to public school (on the Alberta side) and then high school (on the Saskatchewan side) in Lloydminster. I went on to attend the University of Saskatchewan. I had a choice between the University of Alberta and the University of Saskatchewan as they were about equal distance from Lloydminster, but I chose the University of Saskatchewan primarily because they offered me an entrance scholarship. So, I chose to go there and do my undergraduate work and then a couple of years of graduate work there.

Read the full interview here.

Published February 2021.