
UBC Flow Course

Application Deadline: August 15, 2024
Course Dates: October 21-25,2024
Location: Vancouver, BC (University of British Columbia)
Language: English

Please note: This course will be offered as an in-person event, held at the Biomedical Research Centre, University of British Columbia.

Traditional flow cytometry continues to develop. Not only has the number of channels and colours increased over the last few years, allowing researchers to fine-tune rare cell populations or measure production of multiple intracellular cytokines, but also the number of applications has increased.

The Stem Cell Network is pleased to once again offer financial support to enable trainees to attend the ever popular UBC Flow course, presented by Andy Johnson, Fabio Rossi, and the team at the Biomedical Research Centre at UBC. This five-day course will take participants’ flow cytometry skills to the next level. Participants will come away from the course comfortable with flow cytometry samples, and with a full understanding of the problems, fixes and trouble-shooting strategies to enable the production of high-quality flow data ready for publication. This unique training opportunity is suitable for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and other highly qualified personnel.

The facility at the Biomedical Research Centre at UBC is offering a comprehensive Flow course covering a wide variety of topics, including:

  • Panel design
  • Instrument QC and validation
  • Compensation: manual vs. auto with beads or cells
  • New dyes and fluorochrome chemistry
  • Spectral cytometry
  • Cell proliferation, tracking and viability
  • Flowjo analysis
  • Basis of cell sorting and CyTOF mass cytometry

This will be an intense five-day course and will maximize hands-on experience. The course will build up participants’ competency through working in small groups of three on different instruments. The goal of the course is to allow participants to be confident performing flow analysis on 4-12 colours with the knowledge of learning how to make it to 24+ colours. Application talks will be presented by BD, Beckman Coulter, Thermo Fisher and Cytek to support the concepts.

Who should attend?
This course is for all trainees interested in doing flow cytometry. Somebody new to flow will learn to go from a 4 colour panel through to a 12 colour panel during the week. A more experienced user will be able to fine tune their skills and learn to become a more confident flow cytometrist to return to their institute and train colleagues in flow techniques.

SCN is pleased to offer a Certificate of Completion for this event.

To be eligible to receive a certificate, participants must:

  • Attend the entire workshop; and
  • Complete the post-event survey.

Please note: The Certification of Completion is a document demonstrating your attendance at a training event. It is not a credential, as it is not issued based on proof of learning or knowledge attainment.

Apply here

Dates & Key Details

Course Dates: October 21-25, 2024

Course Location:  Biomedical Research Centre, University of British Columbia

How to Apply

  1. Complete the application form here by August 15, 2024 at 5 p.m. (sender’s time).
  2. Provide your CV and a full letter of support from your current supervisor detailing how your attendance will benefit your research and the lab’s stem cell research program as a whole. Letters and CV should be e-mailed by supervisors directly to trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca at the same time you submit your application documents. A confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours of SCN receiving the submitted support letter. If a confirmation email is NOT received from SCN within 24 hours of submission, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact SCN and ensure that all application materials have been received by SCN.
  3. The SCN Training & Education Committee will review all complete applications, and applicants will be informed of the competition outcome by late September.


  • Applicants must be a highly qualified personnel (i.e. a graduate student, post-doc, research associate and/or technician) currently working on a research project in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine in a Canadian lab. Non-academic applicants are welcome to apply, however academic applicants are prioritized. A $1,000 fee will apply to all non-academic applicants.
  • Applicants must clearly demonstrate that they will apply the techniques learned at the course to their own research project within one year.
  • If you’re unsure whether you are eligible, please email trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca for confirmation.
  • The Stem Cell Network is offering a limited number of awards to enable eligible trainees who are not based in Vancouver to attend this course. Additional spaces that are not covered by an SCN award may also be available for this course. Please email trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca for more details.


  • The SCN award will cover:
    • The full cost of the course registration fee of $1,000 (paid directly to the organizers). If the successful recipient confirms their place in the course but fails to attend (in the absence of mitigating circumstances), their academic supervisor will be responsible for covering the cost of the registration fee.
    • The full cost of up to to six nights accommodation at our designated hotel (the night before the course, days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with departure on the day after the course.)
    • Limited travel costs to/from the course location and meals not provided during the course. Up to a maximum of $850 depending on where the participant is travelling to Vancouver from. These maximums will be outlined in SCN’s Travel Booking & Reimbursement Policy (policy will be provided to the selected applicants). Prior to applying, applicants should discuss with their Principal Investigator how any residual costs not supported by SCN will be covered.
  • Successful applicants will be automatically registered for the course by SCN upon confirmation of their acceptance of the award.
  • Reimbursement will be processed following the course, in accordance with the SCN Travel Booking & Reimbursement Policy (policy will be provided to the selected applicants).
  • By accepting a place in this course, the recipient agrees to provide a report describing the value of the training and networking opportunities made available through the award. This information will be used at SCN’s discretion on its website, newsletters and for the purpose of reporting to their funding agencies. Please note that expense reimbursement will be processed only once the completed report is received.
  • By registering for this course, attendees also accept to have their pictures taken during the course and used in materials as described above.

For further information on course content, please contact Andy Johnson at ubcandyjohnson@gmail.com

For further information on applying for a SCN award to attend this course, please contact trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca

Other Workshops, Courses and Travel Awards