
Statistics for Regenerative Medicine Researchers

Core statistical concepts and approaches for efficient experimental design and insightful analysis

Application Deadline: May 7, 2024
Start Date: June 18-20, 2024
Location: Online
Language: English

The application process is closed.

Regenerative medicine research often generates huge amounts of data and appropriate statistical treatment is essential for drawing the correct conclusions from the raw data. A basic understanding of statistical principles and how to apply them to your data can take your experiments to the next level.

The Stem Cell Network (SCN) is offering the Statistics for Regenerative Medicine training workshop to provide regenerative medicine researchers with an introduction to basic statistical concepts and methods relevant to designing and analyzing experiments. The workshop also provides a good foundation in the use of discovery tools provided by data analysis and visualization software. The topics covered were selected from the series “Points of Significance,” which are articles on statistical methods published in the scientific journal Nature Methods.

The topics covered will include:

  • Graphing
    • Knowing correct graph types to use
    • Comparison of variables and conditions
  • Experimental design
    • Power and sample size
    • Randomization
    • Block design
  • Common statical approaches
    • T-test
    • ANOVA
    • Linear model

The concepts and methods will be illustrated with realistic case studies and examples that are commonly encountered by biomedical researchers. The R statistical software/programming language will be used in this course. We will use RStudio to create notebook documents that are easily converted into PDF or HTML formatted reports for communication and archiving of analysis results.

This event is hosted by SCN and organized and delivered by Dr. Brian Cox, Associate Professor,  University of Toronto, who’s research expertise includes systems biology, bioinformatics and gene regulation.

Who Should Attend?
This statistics workshop is designed for stem cell and regenerative medicine “wet bench” research trainees who are looking to gain an appreciation of the basic statistical concepts and methods relevant to designing and analyzing experiments.

Workshop Learning Objectives:

  • Appying R to statical and graphing analysis
  • Appreciate the importance of sample size
  • Improve understanding of common statistical tests and validating methods
  • Apply statistical principles to design experiments

SCN is pleased to offer a Certificate of Completion for this event.

To be eligible to receive a certificate, participants must:

  1. Attend the entire workshop; and
  2. Complete the post-event survey.

Please note: The Certification of Completion is a document demonstrating your attendance at a training event. It is not a credential, as it is not issued based on proof of learning or knowledge attainment.

Dates & Key Details

The workshop will run over three online sessions of two hours each and held between 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. ET on the following three days:

  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024
  •  Thursday, June 20, 2024

Workshop Location: Hosted online. A link to the online sessions will be provided to successful applicants.

In addition, workshop participants without a background in R are asked to take a basic online R tutorial session before their session starts – details for the online R tutorial session will be provided to successful applicants. An example is the Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop Introduction to R.

A pre-workshop R set-up session will be offered one week before the first session to participants who need assistance installing R on their computer.

Please note: The workshop will be delivered in English.

How to Apply

  1. Due to the interactive nature of this training event, spaces on this online workshop are limited; all those interested in participating must complete the application form here by 11:59 p.m. (sender’s time) Tuesday, May 7, 2024.
  2. SCN’s Training & Education Committee will review all complete applications, and applicants will be informed of the competition outcome by Thursday, May 23, 2024. Notification of acceptance for successful applicants will include a registration link for joining the online workshop sessions.
  3. Provide a full letter of support from your current supervisor detailing how your attendance will benefit your research and the lab’s stem cell research program as a whole. Letters should be e-mailed by supervisors directly to trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca  at the same time you submit your application documents. A confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours of SCN receiving the submitted support letter. If a confirmation email is NOT received from SCN within 24 hours of submission, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact SCN and ensure that all application materials have been received by SCN.


  • Applicants must be a trainee or highly-qualified personnel (HQP) (i.e. a graduate student, post-doc, research associate and/or technician currently working on a research project in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine in a Canadian lab.) Non-academic applicants are welcome to apply, however academic applicants are prioritized. A $700 fee will apply to all non-academic applicants.
  • If you’re unsure whether you are a trainee/HQP, please email trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca for confirmation.
  • Applicants must clearly demonstrate that they will apply the techniques learned at the course to their own stem cells and regenerative medicine research project within one year.


  • Note that participants in this workshop are required to use their own laptop computers, and the laptop must be able to run R and RStudio. Please ensure that your laptop is able to run R and RStudio by downloading the software and checking prior to the event. Both are free software. A second monitor or screen will be required to enable participants to simultaneously use the the R Studio software and view the workshop video stream.
  • SCN will cover the registration costs (paid directly to the organizers) of this workshop for applicants who attend all sessions and complete all elements of the online content within the designated period. For applicants who fail to attend all sessions or complete the course content, a fee of $700 will be charged to their supervisor to cover the costs associated with delivering this training opportunity.
  • By accepting a place on this workshop, the recipient agrees to complete a survey describing the value of the training and networking opportunities made available through the award. This information will be used at SCN’s discretion on its website, newsletters and for the purpose of SCN reporting to the Government of Canada. By registering for this workshop attendees also accept to have their pictures taken during the workshop and used in materials as described above.

For further information on this workshop or for application related enquiries, please contact trainingSCN@stemcellnetwork.ca

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