À propos du Réseau de cellules souches
Depuis sa mise sur pied en 2001, le Réseau de cellules souches (RCS) a toujours eu pour raison d’être le développement de la recherche dans le domaine des cellules souches et de la médecine régénératrice.
Le plan stratégique du RCS, ALLUMER, fournit une feuille de route pour la réussite de la recherche canadienne dans le secteur des cellules souches et de la médecine régénératrice.
En savoir plus7 000+
Groupes de recherche
148 M$
Pour la recherche, la formation et l’information
157 M$
En fonds de contrepartie
Plus de 7 000 membres du PHQ ont bénéficié des cours, ateliers et subventions de voyage du RCS. Informez-vous sur ce que nous offrons en 2024.
Voyez comment le RCS a encouragé le financement de projets dans différentes régions du Canada et rencontrez certaines des personnes responsables d’importants projets de recherche.
Les cellules souches sont les composantes de base de notre corps. Elles diffèrent des autres cellules, car elles ont le potentiel de se transformer en tout autre type de cellule et elles peuvent se renouveler d’elles-mêmes, ce qui signifie qu’elles peuvent guérir le sang, les tissus et les organes.
Le Réseau de cellules souches lance un nouveau concours national de financement de la recherche en médecine régénératrice
ActuCell est le carrefour national de partage des nouvelles du RCS. Chaque mois, nous publierons des articles d'intérêt, des mises à jour sur nos activités de recherche, des opportunités d'ateliers et de bourses, ainsi que les dernières publications scientifiques d’intérêt particulier.
📢 Calling all ECRs!
Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and build more inclusive and diverse research teams.
Register now and take the next step in your research career! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/training/workshops/virtual-workshop-how-to-lead-and-engage-high-performing-multi-generational-teams/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ECRC_virtual_workshop @CFCanada
(1/2) Vous cherchez des fonds pour soutenir un partenariat universitaire avec une entreprise biotechnologique canadienne émergente de #MédRégén afin de favoriser l’application clinique ou la commercialisation de technologies ou de thérapies novatrices?
(2/2) Présentez dès aujourd'hui au RCS une demande de subvention de soutien aux partenariats biotechnologiques! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/fr/recherche/possibilites-de-financement-de-la-recherche/
Are you seeking funding to support an academic partnership with an emerging Canadian #RegenMed biotechnology company to bring innovative technologies or therapies to the clinic or market?
Apply for SCN's Fueling Biotechnology Partnerships Awards today! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/research/research-funding-opportunities/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition
Join us for Innovate to Elevate: Commercializing #RegenerativeMedicine in Canada at #TMM2024 🔥
💡Connect with scientific founders, #LifeScience CEOs, and venture capitalists
🗣️Keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chat, and more!
Register here. ➡️ https://www.tillandmcculloch.ca/event/b2d91653-3473-454a-9da9-b7188a9cffb8/websitePage:65960778-3d02-4761-82ed-8844a393ebd2
Earlier this week, we wrapped up filming new episodes of Stem Cells from the Sofa! 🛋️
Big thank you to @GuertinJ, @Faiz_Lab, @karunsinghneuro, and @YYZscientist. We can't wait to share the insightful conversations and topics we’ve covered. Stay tuned! 👀 #SciEducation
Don't forget to vote for your favourite #SciArt in the #CellsISee contest hosted by SCN and @CCRM_ca! The cell image with the most likes will win the People's Choice Award at #TMM2024.
Visit @CCRM_ca's Facebook page to vote until October 9. ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/commercializinglivingtherapies/posts/pfbid029xAt2uEDniNvgcFeYrujtrJXDzpGpr6QBrBZoXS1X5EvhgsyANipjoSgrdtx74rrl?rdid=TPUUkqFMvqfNFXyh
Êtes-vous un chercheur en début de carrière qui cherche à développer un programme de recherche axé sur la #MédRégén? 🔬
Présentez dès aujourd'hui au RCS une demande de subvention pour chercheurs en début de carrière! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/fr/recherche/possibilites-de-financement-de-la-recherche/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition
Are you an early career researcher looking to develop a research program with a focus in #RegenerativeMedicine? 🔬
Apply for SCN's Early Career Researcher Jump Start Awards today! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/research/research-funding-opportunities/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition
Don't miss the 'Towards a Functional Cure for Diabetes' session at #TMM2024, sponsored by @CCRM_ca.
Featuring Joshua Robertson, SCN's Patient Committee member and the first Canadian to receive pioneering #StemCell therapy for type 1 diabetes. ➡️ https://www.tillandmcculloch.ca/event/b2d91653-3473-454a-9da9-b7188a9cffb8/websitePage:d651e788-5262-4ec2-b97c-7ebcd8a0942b
Are you planning an early stage clinical trial project with high translational potential in #RegenMed?
Apply for SCN's Clinical Trial Awards today! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/research/research-funding-opportunities/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition
Vous planifiez un projet d'essai clinique préliminaire à fort potentiel translationnel dans le domaine de la #MédRégén?
Présentez une demande de Subvention aux essais cliniques du RCS dès aujourd'hui! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/fr/recherche/possibilites-de-financement-de-la-recherche/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition
Do you want to learn more about career options in 'Information, Informatics, and Data Governance, Ethics & Privacy'? 🤔
Join SCN and @MbD_UofT for the first session of Careers Beyond Academia featuring Drs. Francis Jeanson and Brendan Behan. Register. ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/training/workshops/careers-beyond-academia/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=careers_beyond_academia
⏰ Deadline to apply is tomorrow!
Are you a Ph.D. student in Canada conducting research on the social, ethical, and economic implications of #RegenerativeMedicine? 🧬 Apply for SCN's new award, valued at $25,000.
Learn more and apply here. ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/training/exchanges-fellowships-internships/scn-doctoral-research-awards-in-social-ethical-and-economic-see-implications-for-rm/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=see_implications_rm
CellLines is the central source for news from across SCN's national network. Find training workshops and courses, research funding opportunities, and more! 📩
Don't miss out—become a part of our community today! ➡️ https://mailchi.mp/stemcellnetwork.ca/dtc3fb85z1
Submit your research to the collection, 'Virtual Human Development: Merging Experiments and Theory.'
This collection seeks original articles, perspectives, and reviews on experimental and computational models for understanding #EarlyHumanDevelopment. ⬇️
Virtual human development: merging experiments and theory to understand human development
This Collection invites research leveraging experimental and theoretical models, and advanced research tools to study human development.
Are you working with #OrganoidModels?
Submit your abstract for a chance to present your work in a 3-minute rapid-fire session at the 3rd Annual Western Organoid Workshop. 🧬
Deadline is Sept 16—don’t wait, submit today! ⬇️ https://uwo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2bglBAViiHZBg9M
(1/2) We're excited to welcome the newest members of our Early Career Researcher Committee! Join us in welcoming @karunsinghneuro, Matthew Buechler, and @msahsorin. 🙌
(2/2) They will help drive new initiatives and opportunities to support and elevate early career researchers in the field of #StemCell and #RegenerativeMedicine research. 🧬
Want to learn more? Check out their bios here. ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/about-us/committees/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=SCN_committees
Join Dr. Roman Krawetz and Dr. Nada Jabado for a special session on preparing for tenure, promotion, and transitioning from Early Career Researcher to Mid-Career Researcher at #TMM2024.
Register here. ➡️ https://www.tillandmcculloch.ca/event/b2d91653-3473-454a-9da9-b7188a9cffb8/websitePage:20820178-424e-41e4-98c1-a9f8f70e8220
#CellsISee voting is live!
Vote for your favourite #SciArt in the #CellsISee contest hosted by SCN and @CCRM_ca! The cell image with the most likes will win the People's Choice Award at #TMM2024. ✅
Visit @CCRM_ca's Facebook page to vote until Oct 9. ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/commercializinglivingtherapies/posts/pfbid029xAt2uEDniNvgcFeYrujtrJXDzpGpr6QBrBZoXS1X5EvhgsyANipjoSgrdtx74rrl?rdid=TPUUkqFMvqfNFXyh
(2/2) Vous pouvez alors présenter au RCS une demande de Subvention de soutien à l’accélération de la translation clinique dès aujourd'hui ! ➡️ https://stemcellnetwork.ca/fr/recherche/possibilites-de-financement-de-la-recherche/?utm_source=x&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=research_funding_competition @azrielifdn