
Declan Hamill, Vice President, Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Affairs, Innovative Medicines Canada

 In July 2005, Declan Hamill joined Innovative Medicines Canada (formerly Canada’s ResearchBased Pharmaceutical Companies – Rx&D), the national association representing the voice of Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry, as its General Counsel. Mr. Hamill was named Vice President of Legal Affairs and Intellectual Property (IP) Policy in February 2007, assuming leadership for IP issues in addition to his legal responsibilities and responsibilities for the industry’s Code of Ethical Practices. He is also the senior staff lead for the Ethics Committee, the Industry Practices Review Committee and Intellectual Property Subject Expert Group. Mr. Hamill is accountable to the President and to the Board of Directors.

In the capacity of Vice President, Legal, Mr. Hamill provides advice and counsel regarding legal, trade and compliance issues. He serves as the in-house resource to provide expertise and advice on recent jurisprudence and other legal and IP developments affecting the industry. Mr. Hamill liaises regularly with member company senior managers, corporate counsel, and compliance personnel. He has also recently completed his certification with the Institute of Corporate Directors.

In September 2016, Mr. Hamill assumed additional responsibility for the regulatory and policy functions at Innovative Medicines Canada.

Mr. Hamill has appeared before several Canadian government bodies and committees, including the House of Commons Industry, Science and Technology Committee, and the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade.

Mr. Hamill has also been a speaker or panelist at a number of life sciences related events, including the Canadian Institute Pharma Patents conference, the Ontario Bar Association, the Centre for the Advancement of Health Innovations, the Canadian Association for Healthcare Reimbursement conference, and the BIO International conference. Mr. Hamill is a graduate of National Program (LLB and BCL) of the McGill University Faculty of Law, and also holds degrees from York University and from Trinity College, University of Toronto. Mr. Hamill was called to the Ontario Bar in 1998.